Cryogen-free 7 T Magnet
Diamond Inner Windows and CaF2 Outer Windows
1.5 to 300 K controllable sample temperature
-7 to 7 T
Four-window access (F/# = 3)
Fiber coupling outside magnet for PL collection
Translatable sample stick
18 W, 532 nm Verdi Pump Laser
Tunable femtosecond laser (Coherent Mira 900F)
700 nm to 1000 nm wavelength output
Pulsewidth can range from 80 fs to 180 fs
2.1 W mode-locked output is typical
76 MHz repetition rate
Ti:S Doubler Unit (Coherent)
350 nm to 450 nm
600 mW maximum output
1035 nm amplified laser (KM Labs)
500 kHz repetition rate
40 uJ/pulse
180 fs
7 T Janis superconducting magnet with variable temperature insert
1.5 K to 300 K
For electrical transport investigations
LN2-Cooled InGaAs 1024-Pixel Photodiode Array (Princeton Instruments)
LN2-Cooled Silicon 1340x100 Pixel CCD (Princeton Instruments)
Low-Temperature, High-Field Magnetic Circular Dichroism and Absorption
Micro-Raman System
50x, Plan APO, 1 mm long-working distance Mitutoyo objective (480 to 1800 nm)
UV-Vis-NIR Absorption System (Cary 500)
Transient Absorption System
One 150 mm SP150 spectrometer from Princeton Instruments
Two 300 mm SP2300 spectrometer from Princeton Instruments
Two 600 mm double spectrometers from Jobin-Yvon
Gas and Diode Lasers
6 mW, 632.8 nm HeNe laser
100 mW, 405 nm diode laser
5 mW, 650 nm diode laser
45 mW, 785 nm diode laser
SWCNT Film System
Spin Coater
Table-Top Centrifuge
Shared Equipment
4 mJ/pulse Amplified Laser (Coherent Libra)
Five-Pass Optical Parametric Amplifier (TOPAS)
Ultracentrifuge (Beckman Coulter)
Four fume hoods (PS134)